Https:// Facebook Заказ концертов: +7 (905) 57-08-300. Над клипом работали: Продюсер: Ф. Нестеров.
Достаточно вспомнить песни Цоя в исполнении "Алисы". Группа "Рада и Терновник" сохранила в романсе из "Юноны и Авось" самый обычный Андрей Губин - Звёздная Серия. rar. Подиум - Новогодняя песня. Могу кому-нибудь на мыло скинуть в RAR -архиве. Привет. скинь. 5 07.10. 2011 11:25. Когда мне плохо, песни группы на-на помогают.
ChurcHope - Responsive WordPress Theme. Current theme version is 2. 3 (February 4, 2015).
Go to download tab and grab an update. See details below. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at. Don’t forget to check our FAQ section. Thanks SO much for your help and AMAZING follow through. You all are AWESOME. Our site gets so much positive feedback regularly and we just launched it! The viewers thank me, but I thank YOU.
Hey guys, I would like to show you my result with customizing the theme – I’m quite happy with it! The theme is super-neat. Awesome theme, just in case people were looking into it and wanted to see another working example you can find our site here: Highly recommend it.
Https:// Facebook Заказ концертов: +7 (905) 57-08-300. Над клипом работали: Продюсер: Ф. Нестеров. Группа Подиум, клип 2012 Подиум - "Танцуй, пока молодая" (на Воробьёвых горах) - Duration: 3:36. by Konstantin Polyanichko 194,181. МЫ ♛ ○ Ваш источник всей доступной информации о CNBLUE ○ Группа работает с 12 июля 2010 года.
Love this theme. Highly recommended.
). These logo has been incredible. I am not as great as I want to be with building sites, but this theme can do anything. And the support is OUT OF THIS EARTH! I have asked these guys 100 questions it seems and no matter what, they get back within a couple hours and even help fix it for me. I feel blessed to have found this.
I couldn’t be more grateful and happy about how great it looks BEST theme I have. Amazing template. Thank you very much. Awesome Template.
OMG ;O Thanks. LOVE LOVE this theme…I had a few issues and questions…but it appears they have all been resolved by the new version of the site. ChristopherFoltzCompany. You guys are great! great support and great theme thanks. Congrats from me and a 5 star rate! A beautiful theme.
I really appreciate your great tech support and people considering purchasing the theme should know about it. Version 2. 3 – February 4, 2015.
WordPress v. 1 compatibility. Added Retina support.
Integrated Font Awesome library. Added about 30 new social icons for social links shortcodes and widget. Added page links for custom post types. Massive improvements in responsive layouts.
Improved Gallery shortcode. Improved tabs functionality on sermon post pages. Fixed Author Archive listing. Fixed wrong month in Upcoming Events widget. Fixed slider Revolution swipe issue on touch devices.
Fixed left sidebar appearance on mobile devices (now it appears right after the content section). Fixed image centering in content. Lots of CSS fixes.
Version 2. 2 – December 10, 2014. Security issue: removed force files download function from the theme. Added ability to apply custom speaker slugs. Added new design for sermons listing shortcode. Updated Slider Revolution to v4.
Fixed author archive listing. Fixed sermons category layout. Fixed recent sermons widget cache issue. Fixed an issue with uploading speaker avatar image.
Lots of CSS fixes. Version 2.
1 – July 11, 2014. Added option to set order of events on a category listing page. Added options to set body background for a boxed layout. Added new modern styled menu for mobile devices. Improved admin settings and metaboxes under the Theme Options & single pages/posts (now the settings appear depending on a chosen option). Improved multiple events appearance in a calendar (now a list of events appears on hover the day with multiple events). Fixed speakers dashboard.
Fixed map for event posts. Fixed lightbox for default WP gallery & images.
Fixed issue with displaying ID for WP gallery & images. Fixed wrong date in an upcoming events widget. Minor CSS fixes. Version 2. 0 – July 11, 2014. Sermon widgets.
Sermon speakers. New event options. Google Web Fonts new options. New options for blog. Boxed layout added. Compatibility with WordPress 3.
1+. Revolutions slider updated to 4.
Javascript plugins updated. Contact form fix. Dummy content updated.
Version 1. 12. 2 – June 24, 2013.
Twitter Update. Added Authorization for new twitter API. Version 1. 12. 1 – March 28, 2013.
Added Symbol ’’>’’ for dropdown deep main menu (for devices). Fixed YouTube video height for slideshow video shortcode. Minor CSS fixes for Revoluition Slider.
Version 1. 12 – March 16, 2013. Revolution slider.
Added custom header settings: Color, Pattern/Background image, Repeat, etc. (For post, page, events, gallery and taxonomies).
History. js was implements for events calendar shortcode. Gallery categories were added to loop-gallery. Added WYSWYG editor to “Title addition text” meta field. Added Slideshow options for single event. Added colors and “force download” options for button shortcodes. Main slideshow refactoring.
Custom template redirect fix to force status code 200. To avoid aggressive hosting settings which can override error templates. Contact form Shortcode:. Removing unnecessary slashes. Added Textarea content with new line. Adeed Reply-to sender in message header.
Send button UTF-8 fix. Ajax default gate was implemented. Blog Shortcode: Fixed JS error if no category has been chosen. Twitter lang data set as default.
UTF-8 tweet fix for Twitter Widget. Version 1. 11 – December 15, 2012. WordPress 3.
5 compatibility. Version 1. 10 – December 7, 2012. Contact form widget – added custom email option. Contact forms shortcode – added new options. Theme updater improved. Theme options file uploader fix.
Main slideshow fix of “hide title” option. Better cache for twitter widget. Google Web Fonts list updated. CSS minor fixes. Version 1.
9 – November 19, 2012. Fixed theme options issue for Safari 6. Contact form fixes. Theme updater(require Themeforest login and API key ). Fix for Slideshow navigation.
Fix for Audio player. CSS minor fixes. Version 1. 8 – November 1, 2012. Upcoming events widget fix (wrong month). Added translation for backend theme options. Fix for WordPress Multisite installations.
Fix for encoding of input meta option. Slideshow script fixes. Improve of Dummy content installation. Added year text for events calendar shortcode. Added option to hide feature images from blog listings. Minor CSS fixes. Version 1.
7 – October 26, 2012. Fix for slideshow padding. Events calendar shortcode update, to use all categories.
Added Error hadler for dummy install. Fix for search results pagination. Slideshow fix for IE.
Alert on incorrect theme installation. Version 1. 6 – October 16, 2012. Twitter widget update. Timezone events date fix. Custom images upload at theme options has been changed.
Columns fix for event post. Added option to hide date for blog post. iOS double click fix for main menu. Minor CSS fixes. Version 1.
5 – October 03, 2012. Added NextGen gallery plugin compatibillity. Added DE translation file. Contact Form shortcode fixes. Header sidebar fixes.
Minor fixes for translation. Added option to set link for the whole slide. RSS feed url fix. Responsivenes fixes. Minor css fixes.
Version 1. 4 – September 08, 2012. Added “table of contents” shortcode. Added “to top” shortcode. Added dropcaps shortcode. Added opened state options for toggle shortcode.
Added fixed height option for slideshow. Added navigation arrows for slideshow. Fixed Youtube bug in Slideshow for non flash devices. Fix for posts additional title text. Main menu now supports multicolumns. Added columns shortcode button to visual mode in editor.
Facebook like button updated. Added category select option for next event widget. Changed author name to show ‘display name’ option. Fixed bug with names of the months for calendar shortcode. Minor CSS and JavaScript fixes. Version 1. 3 – August 10,2012.
CSS minor fixes. Testimonials shortcode added. Better WPML support for shortcodes.
Added standard format time for events. Fixed events order on listing for day. Added possibility to set map in header for any page/post. Changed function name for contact form to avoid conflict with plugins. Added touch support for header slideshow. Audio player fix for Firefox.
Map directions link fixed to scroll to direction tool. Shortcode buttons on editor moved to second line. List bullets fixed for Android devices. 4 new styles for notifications shortcode. Normal menu for iPad.
Added video shortcode for slideshow with support of pause/resume video and slider. Map mouse wheel zoom option fixed. Added target option for links in teaser shortcode.
Added 3 new social buttons to “social buttons” shortcode. Added position options for custom backgrounds. Version 1. 2 – July 28, 2012.
Events fix for MySQL versions below 5. CSS minor fixes.
Slideshow fluid background option fixed. Posts listing thumbnail issue fixed. Version 1. 1 – July 26, 2012. Sample data one click auto-install fixed. CSS minor fixes. Disable responsive option.
Disable login styling option.